Wise men and philosophers throughout the ages have disagreed on many things, but many are in unanimous agreement on one point: "We become what we think about." Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "A man is what he thinks about all day long." The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius put it this way: "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." Proverbs 23 verse 7 in the Bible states, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."

I want to ask you, “What are your thoughts made up of?”

Friends, welcome to Intervention Radio for Undergraduates, a program produced by VISION BUILDERS to help undergraduates contact divine intervention for academic victories. Every week on Intervention Radio we bring you inspirational messages and study tips to help you be your best academically.

Today, God is set to bless you by removing every barrier against your academic success and fulfillment. This is Intervention Radio for Undergraduates, and I am your host Tope Banjo.

Did you know that your life aligns with whatever dominates your thought life? Are you happy with present condition of your academic life? On today’s broadcast we will examine how your dominant thought patterns mold your academic life and success, as well as your present and future. I want you to stay with me. Right now, I want us to take a short music. When we get back we will dive straight into today’s discussion. Please enjoy the music break and when we get back, we’ll be discussing the topic You Are What You Think!

As a student your dominant thought-life forms a great part of your academic exercise and life. Your thoughts come from your mind or thought realm. Thoughts can be classified into memory for the past, intellect or intelligence for the present and imagination for the future.

The type of training you have given to your mind over time determines the type and quality of thoughts it delivers to you. It determines the memories that you retain from life experiences.

It was Plato who said, “Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself.” From birth, your mind or thought realm has been consistently programmed to produce negative material. Do this simple exercise. Take a sheet of paper. Write down your first seven memories from the last three days. Don’t choose any particular memory. Just write them down as they come. When you have finished writing down your first seven memories I want you to identify how many are positive and how many are negative.

There’s another exercise I want you to do. What’s the most important project ahead of you right now? I want you to write it down. Then below the title of that project, list out the first 10 thoughts that come to you about the fulfillment of that project. Evaluate the percentage of positive thoughts compared with the negative thoughts.

One significant product of your thoughts is your Self-talk. Self-talk is the abundance of your heart that the bible talks about. The NKJV bible states in Matt 12:34-36, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.”

Self-talk can be described as those unconscious mutterings, those one way conversations you have with yourself whenever you are facing certain prospects ahead. When you have prospects ahead of you that you are confident about, you make positive self-talk, but you make negative self-talk when faced with prospects for which you doubt your ability or success. Sometimes you do it so much and so consistently that you become conscious of it. Every one of us practices self-talk.

Your mind usually projects positive or negative imaginations about upcoming situations from the background of its training and available content. Of all human actions, self-talk is the most powerful tool for building or destroying your present and future. It was James Allen who said, “Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bear bad fruit—and man is his own gardener.” To that let me add, good minds produce good thoughts, bad minds produce bad thoughts.

You must be a constructive thinker. But how can you become a constructive thinker? The only way is to re-train your thought-life by meditating on God’s word.

Train Your Thought-Life By Meditating On God’s Word:
You might ask that, “What does meditating on scriptures have to do with academic success?” Everything in fact! You see, the content of your heart determines your dominant thoughts, especially your memory. This is how it works. If you have negative fearful thoughts about taking tests, you are most likely to have negative self-talk. And of course, you act like you think and so negative self-talk produces negative actions and eventual failure or low performance in that test.

The new living translation bible states in Rom 12:2, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” God wants to make your life the best possible, and He will do it through your thought-life. As you let God transform your thought-life through His word, your entire life and academics begins to experience a positive transformation.

Meditating on God’s word is the scripturally recommended way to positively re-train your thoughts for success. Actually, this is the way God transforms all the negative images or thoughts in your mind into positive, constructive thoughts. And as a result you will experience prosperity and success in your academics and your life in general.

Before I sign off, I want to ask if you have resolved the biggest problem in life, the problem of where you will spend your eternity. Where will you spend it? Or rather, I should ask, where would you like to spend it? I have a suggestion. Why not spend it with God in heaven?

You can reserve your eternal space in heaven today by receiving the Lord Jesus as your Lord and personal savior. Why not give your heart to the Lord today? He is waiting.

He cares about how well your academic life moves. Please pray this simple prayer right now: Heavenly Father I ask you to please come into my life today. I believe that your son Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose from the dead. Forgive all my sins today and make me your child. Fill me with your Holy Spirit right now and bring stability into my academics and life. Thank you for coming. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer with me then know that you have begun a relationship with God. He has come into your life and will begin working in your life and academics. Please send me a message @ buildyourvisions@gmail.com or an SMS to +234 817 2239 319 to tell me that you just started a relationship with God. Remember to include your mobile number and email address. I would like to keep praying for you.

Before I sign off, please join your heart with mine in prayer for God’s intervention in your academic life. There is nothing beyond God’s reach or ability. God’s power will reach out to you whatever your situation today, even if it’s for a friend, classmate or sibling in school who needs a ‘miracle’ solution! It could even be your Study team. Whichever it is, God will show up!

Let us pray: Our Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in simple faith. We ask for something that we believe is really small in Your sight. We ask for just a miracle in our areas of need, and dare to believe and trust in You for Your amazing answers. We trust You will come through for each of us concerned. Thank you, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen!

Continue to expect the best from yourself and continue to maintain a great attitude regardless whatever happens.

I’ll be glad to hear from you. Kindly send your testimonies, questions and prayer requests as responses on this blog. To ensure your friends, class mates and room-mates are also equipped by Intervention Messages and Study Tips, kindly share this message with them. .

Thank you for joining me. I remain your host Tope Banjo and this is Intervention. God bless you mightily!

You will succeed. You will make it!


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