We Believe that 
YOUR SUCCESS IN LIFE rides on the wings of your possessing required Skills and Capabilities!

That’s the motivation for what we do and how we do it at Vision Builders...‘Building People’.

With particular regards to Undergraduates, our Services and Resources are designed to empower you academically, preparing you for a successful Professional life Beyond Your Degree Program!


1) Improving Performance And Increasing Results!
A simple-to-read Book, scripted as an Academic Success Manual…the first in our efforts to help Undergraduates become more successful academically.

2) IMPROVE PERFORMANCE for Undergraduates is a Business programme designed to enable You overcome these problems. It will:

1) Equip Undergraduates with Academic Skills for Improved Academic Performance; and,

2) Impart Career Direction and Career Focus, essential assets and requirements for Career success beyond the University / Polytechnic!

3) Intervention Messages come via our Blog, while... 

4) Intervention Audio Messages are Free or Subscribed Messages. 

Both are practical learning Resources that enable Undergraduates deliver high educational performance that achieves not only excellent grades, but also builds up within you the required Skills and Capabilities necessary for an effective and profitable professional Work-life!

5) Fresh Fire Academic success Seminars get you primed for a successful life beyond your Degree program!

6) Project 52 A handy Book of 52 inspirational messages scripted to challenge, guide and empower you to achieve your best educationally every single day of your Undergraduate program!


Vision Builders’ Business Training Services And Resources will continue to equip and enable you for a successful Work-life.

From the most elementary stage of Employment - the ‘lack of work experience’ - a challenge every Graduate faces, Vision Builders’ Business Training Services And Resources will equip and enable you to professionally function successfully from the start! Truth is, our Training Services and Resources enhance Work-life in ways that make you, either as Entrepreneur or Employee, a necessary Factor in the Organization’s success! We train Entrepreneurs for success with our Business Start-Up & Management Training Programmes and Resources.

If you’d like your friends, class mates and room-mates to also be equipped for Undergraduate educational success, and prepared for a successful professional life Beyond The Degree Program, kindly share this message with them.

Thank you for joining me.

God bless you mightily!
Tope Banjo.

You will succeed. You will make it!
Your Success In Life Is Our Goal!

Tel: +234 803 3075 969, 


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