In Deut 28:13, God declares, “And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them”. I believe that God will grant you divine lifting and intervention as you read this message today. God’s blessing has made you head although the enemy constantly seeks ways of preventing your covenant headship.


One way the enemy hinders people is through deceiving them to adopt a negative value system that inspires poor choices, relationships and habits. The result is a poor quality of life and academic struggles. For example, if you were very smart as a much younger person, but today, are either average or struggling academically, check up on your value system. What practices do you consider as okay? If the enemy has cunningly instituted a negative value system in your life, it’s time to make a fast u-turn and get your headship back academically!


Disobedience in any form opens a door for the enemy to hinder you and make academic success difficult to achieve. You may even be praying night and day for blessings and success, but nothing will until you REPENT of your disobedience! Why not repent right now? God is ready to set you free this instant, trust me! So go ahead, repent. I have an assignment to help you contact God's power for academic victories.


There are also those who in all sincerity try their very best academically but are just never able to achieve their desired results. You study as required but never seem to meet your set goals. You find yourself being hindered by failing finances, sickness, or failing memory at the most critical times. You know you are not in disobedience but the enemy has designed weapons against your academic success. Know this - YOU ALREADY HAVE THE VICTORY IN CHRIST! You may not even be aware of this pattern, but deliverance has come for you. Today God begins to place you in your headship position. Now, let me qualify some things for you.

If you are a born-again believer in Christ Jesus, living by the word of God, there is no curse or enchantment that can prosper over you (according to Numbers 23:23; Jer 54:17) because YOU ARE ALREADY BLESSED! But the situation is like when an enemy places a rock under the tyre of your car to hinder it from moving. You must remove the rock in order to move forward. How do you remove the rock? Through prayer based on God’s word!

God’s will and plan for you is to be the head, even academically. Regardless of your current level, the top is the level God desires for you. The head is the one whom God has blessed. To keep walking in this reality of your covenant headship in Christ, live by God's word and confess it over your life daily. Also get more serious with your prayer life, and you will successfully keep the enemy under restraints.

However, if you are NOT YET a child of God, I am sorry to say you have no headship in Christ or anywhere for that matter. You only have the tail position, and the devil is free to push you around. You may complain but can’t change it. But today is another opportunity. Invite the Lord Jesus Christ into your life today. Do it right now! Pray this simple prayer right now: LORD JESUS, I ACKNOWLEDGE YOU TODAY AS LORD AND SAVIOUR. PLEASE COME INTO MY HEART TODAY. BECOME MY LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOUR. FORGIVE MY SIN AND MAKE ME A CHILD OF GOD FROM TODAY. AMEN. If you just prayed this prayer, then know that a new life has started in you. You have received the One who has power over every wicked force in existence.

And now I want to pray for you. Whatever has held you down till this minute MUST GIVE WAY today: I pray for every student reading this, and declare that your limits are broken off today. You are free to achieve your goals and dreams. You are released to excel academically. You are released to achieve what you never thought possible. You are free to succeed. I pronounce and release God's covenant blessing upon your life in Jesus' name! Amen!!

Friends, I want you to know that God has begun moving on your situations to answer your prayers of long times past. Someone reading this message is at a point where you feel you can't take it anymore. There's a miracle for you today friend. Believe it! Actually for you a new day is about to begin.

I would like to hear from you about how God is blessing you and turning your academic adversities around. I know He will because He promised me. Send me your testimonies, questions and prayer requests.

Friends, thank you for joining me. I remain your host Tope banjo and this Intervention. God bless you mightily!

You will succeed. You will make it!

+234 803 3075 969, Lagos, Nigeria.

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