Welcome to Intervention Radio produced by VISION BUILDERS, and I am your host Tope Banjo. Every week on Intervention we minister to and pray for Undergraduates to receive God’s intervention in their academics and life.
This week my question is, do you need a miracle?
A miracle can be defined as an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. Miracles are usually events that occur contrary to the laws of nature. In other words, a miracle is something that should not naturally happen but which God makes happen anyway, for example, the virgin birth. Every hour in life miracles occur as God’s sovereign intervention in the lives of human beings. Some we hope for, but most we don’t expect.
While ministering to a group of undergraduates, the Lord told me that He wanted to miraculously intervene in the situations that some of them were facing. However He wanted me to distinguish between academic problems that the person concerned could do something about, and those which the persons concerned could not change but for a miracle. A miracle is usually God’s response to our situations when we can do nothing humanly to achieve our desired goal. A miracle is God’s sovereign act. However you cannot plan on a miracle
Is your current academic challenge a result of certain actions or inactions on your part? If there are there things you should do but have left undone, you need to buckle up. However, if you are in a situation that only a miraculous intervention can turn around, God will reach out and help you miraculously.
I am so confident that he will give the results He promised me – victory in your academics. God will favour you, and grant you examination success, in Jesus’ name. Pray this simple prayer:
Father, I (mention your own name) ………………… come to you in faith today. I acknowledge that you alone are God and all things are possible. Today I pray for your divine wisdom to show up in my academic life. I ask for the divine favour, wisdom and understanding that You gave Daniel and his three friends to excel. As I study, give me clear understanding and good memory. Grant me divine Favour me with my instructors and lecturers. Let your divine influence work things out for my good. I believe that you sent Jesus to die for my sins. According to 1 Corinthians 3 verse 10, he has become my wisdom. Therefore I am guaranteed academic success. Move for me in the tough areas. Simplify even more all my easy areas and let all the glory come to your name alone. I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Simple as this prayer seems, you will experience tremendous power in your academic life. That is what God promised me. And so till I come your way next edition, don’t compromise your good habits, stay focused on your academic goals and whatever happens, know that God will come through for you throughout this week.
Friends, thank you for joining me. I remain your host Tope banjo and this Intervention. God bless you mightily!

You will succeed. You will make it!

+234 803 3075 969, Lagos, Nigeria.

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