16. How Successful Students Prepare For Tests

16. How Successful Students Prepare for Tests

Friends, welcome to Intervention, an outreach of VISION BUILDERS designed to help undergraduates contact divine intervention for academic victories. Intervention brings you inspirational messages and Study Tips to enable you be your best academically! Through this message, we believe that God is set to bless you by removing every barrier against your academic success and fulfillment.

Through today’s message, God is ready to bless you. Do you know that He has great plans in store for you both for now and for your future? In Jeremiah 29:11, He said, “I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out — plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” I will be praying specially for you at the end of this message. Get ready to be richly blessed!

Today’s message is on How Successful Students Prepare for Tests

Tests are defined as ‘A set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge’. The focus of tests is to check what knowledge or skills you have gained over a period of learning. And so, the question today is this - Are you really doing everything you can to prepare for Tests?

Tests are a part of school life, and preparation, proper preparation is vital to achieving excellent grades. By now you may have realized that merely re-reading the chapter and looking over your notes is not enough. Today I want to share with you a few points. Below is a list of tips for test preparation from successful students.
1. Keep up to date with Assignments. We have already considered the Topic Time Management. Please ensure you look up the message on this Blog. They will enable you to become a better handler of your school time.
2. Take notes in every class every day. This includes asking questions when you don’t understand.
3. Process information as you come to it. Learning information is much different than "becoming acquainted" with it. 
4. Process information systematically. Label in the margin works well for most people. Note the areas you may need to do some research on or get some more clarification from the instructor, classmates or study mates.
5. Adapt new information and knowledge to suit your learning styles. Your learning style is whatever method that helps you organize, assimilate and access required information when you need it. Our temperaments are different and so different things work for different people. You should identify what works best for you and build your study life around it. Use your notebook’s margins to label keys areas for attention. Then make it habit to process information from texts and lectures, not just go over it.
6. Have a study place that is free of distractions. A distraction is anything that diverts or obstructs you must reaching set goals. You just know when to turn off your mobile phone and your music for a time of serious study. You should know when a social drop-in by friends will jeopardize your academic goals.
7. Have a specific time for initial study of each subject. You may need more than this time, but having a set time will save you time. Discipline to sustain a routine is a secret of successful people. the ability to stay committed to performing the actions required to achieve a goal are one of the many disciplines that university life imparts to those who submit to the stress and rigours that success demands.
8. Make summary sheets, flash cards, and practice tests. These will help you as quick reminders and pointers. And help highlight areas of weakness that need attention.
9. Always carry some kind of pocket work and make use of wasted spare minutes by reciting and thinking about what you are learning. Nothing beats reminiscing and meditating on what you just heard or learnt. Find things and events around your normal day to tie the new knowledge and information to.

10. Learn something new or difficult in your strongest intelligence, sense or in your dominant hemisphere. Reinforce it with as many different ways as possible. I usually have a challenge remembering names when I meet people for the first time. I however discovered that I easily remembered the names of people I met in some dramatic circumstances. Maybe in a meeting, over business or a social event. So I decided to create some drama or event around the period whenever I met anyone new whose name I needed to remember. This helped me tie something that occurred at the time of meeting or introduction to that name and easily remember the person’s name.

11. Find a study partner or two in each class and routinely take turns teaching each other the material. The bible says that two are better than one. They have a better reward for their labour. There are always other angles to a topic that can make it easier to understand and assimilate. Take advantage of study mates and study groups.

12. Prepare for each class as if there will be a pop quiz. Smith Wigglesworth was a great servant of God and he had one advice for anyone desiring success in their life and vocation. He would say, “Live prepared!” It has been said that ‘Proper preparation prevents poor performance” So, live prepared in your academics.

Before I sign off, I pray that the Almighty God will favour you and grant you success and victory in your academics, in Jesus’ Name!
Continue to expect the best from yourself and continue to maintain a great attitude regardless whatever happens.

I’ll be glad to hear from you. Kindly send your testimonies, questions and prayer requests as responses on this blog. If you’d like your friends, class mates and room-mates to be helped by Intervention messages and Study Tips, kindly share this message with them.

Thank you for joining me. I remain your host Tope Banjo and this is Intervention. God bless you mightily!

You will succeed. You will make it!


Tel: +234 817 2239 319, Lagos-Nigeria.



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