18. NEVER Say Never!

18. Never Say Never!

Friends, welcome to Intervention, an outreach of VISION BUILDERS designed to help undergraduates contact divine intervention for academic victories. Intervention brings you inspirational messages and Study Tips to enable you be your best academically! 

Through this message, we believe that God is set to bless you by removing every barrier against your academic success and fulfillment.

Today I want to challenge you to NEVER SAY NEVER. Never means ‘Not at all; certainly not; not in any circumstances’. As a student, you will sometimes meet challenges that will pressure you to give up. As tough as some of these problems may be, you must never say never. Your academic challenges are not new to life. The truth is, you can overcome that problem. Others have overcome them in times past. You will also overcome. This program is designed to help you overcome every obstacle that poses to hinder your academic success.

History abounds with tales of experts who were convinced that the ideas, plans, and projects of others could never be achieved. However, accomplishment came only to those who said, "I can make it happen." Even the great Thomas Alva Edison discouraged his friend, Henry Ford, from pursuing his fledgling idea of a motorcar. Convinced of the worthlessness of the idea, Edison invited Ford to come and work for him. Ford remained committed and tirelessly pursued his dream. Although his first attempt resulted in a vehicle without reverse gear, Henry Ford knew he could make it happen. And, of course, he did.

What problem is threatening your academic life today? It may be as tall and wide as the wall of Jericho, but God has the answer. Today God says to you in John 14:14, “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” The world’s greatest minds have been helped by God in times past. Your case will not be an exception.

I pray to God for you my Reader, right now: Dear Lord, we come to you today. You have promised that if we ask anything in your name, you will do it. And so we ask that everything that poses as a stumbling block to the academic welfare of every Reader of this message will be removed right now. Let your power move upon their lives. Turn their challenges into opportunities for advancement. Let every trouble be converted into a triumphant situation in Jesus’ name. Pour out your favour everywhere it is required. Release your mercy anywhere it is needed. Show your power in their academic life and environment. Put a testimony on my Reader's lips, in Jesus’ name! Thank you Lord for hearing. We trust you to show up with amazing answers. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Continue to expect the best from yourself and continue to maintain a great attitude regardless whatever happens.

I’ll be glad to hear from you. Kindly send your testimonies, questions and prayer requests as responses on this blog. If you’d like your friends, class mates and room-mates to be helped by Intervention messages and Study Tips, kindly share this message with them.

Thank you for joining me. I remain your host Tope Banjo and this is Intervention. God bless you mightily!

You will succeed. You will make it!


Email: buildyourvisions@gmail.com 
Tel: +234 817 2239 319, Lagos-Nigeria.



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