11. 5 Important Tips for Academic Success

11. 5 Important Tips for Academic Success

Friends, welcome to Intervention, an outreach of VISION BUILDERS designed to help undergraduates contact divine intervention for academic victories. Intervention brings you inspirational messages and Study Tips to enable you be your best academically! Through this message, we believe that God is set to bless you by removing every barrier against your academic success and fulfillment.

Academic Success is the desire and goal of every undergraduate. I am sure you are not exempted. In the university arena, every student wants to get academic success. Dr Ben Mbam believes that there are five solid and proven academic principles that will any undergraduate achieve academic success in the university.

I would like us to take a short music break and when we return we will be closely examining Dr Ben Mbam’s 5 important tips for Academic Success. And after our discussion, I will be praying for you to receive God’s intervention in any of your life and academics that you need it. 

Today we will be looking at Dr Ben Mbam’s 5 Tips for Academic Success. First, let’s take a role call of these tips.

1.  Always be Punctual:- If you attend your lectures late, you miss important information  and strong ingredients delivered by the lecturer. On the other hand, if you are punctual, you leave a positive impression in the minds of your fellow students and the course lecturer.  You get all the stuffs given out by the lecturer. You also make your notes the way you understand it from the horse’s mouth (the lecturer).  Besides, you will also be in tandem with the lecturer’s core points and minds as it concerns that particular course.

2.  Ask Questions As Many As Possible:- Many of the students are introvert and do not want to ask any question to the lecturer (why?). But a student should ask questions as many as possible to improve his knowledge in the course. Let me tell you, lecturers like those students who ask questions to them because it shows the interest of the students in the class, and it automatically increases your interests and attention in the course. Moreover, it shows that you really want to know more and more about the course.

3.  Do Your Homework and Assignments:- A student should do his assignments and homework on time. Doing assignments on time is the key to success because lecturers use assignments for determining your knowledge and grades. And really, by doing assignments and homework, students can learn more about the course. In fact, many students only revise their lecture notes and read textbooks only when they are given assignments or homework to do.

4.  Be Confident:- Many students are afraid to speak up in the class over an interesting course.  Lecturers always like those students who are confident in their abilities and they also like to help such students in many special ways. So always be confident and be able to back up yourself with questions and inquires on the course. You will definitely be an academic star.

5.  Always prepare for the quiz:- Every student should always prepare for the surprise (pop) quiz which the lecturer may decide to give at any time. You can prepare yourself for the quiz by reading course materials (handouts, notes, textbooks, etc) before the next lecture, by participating in class group discussions, and by doing the assignments and exercises mentioned in the textbooks or handouts.

In summary, to be academically successful, and to be making good grades in the university, you have to be punctual to classes, ask questions as many as possible both in the classroom and outside the classroom, do your assignments, homework and quizzes as appropriate, have self confidence, and always prepare for any surprise quiz. Academic success must be yours!

On the subject of Success, Saint Ignatius of Loyola put success in such a beautiful perspective when he said, “Let us work as if success depended upon ourselves alone; but with heartfelt conviction that we are doing nothing and God everything.”

Truth is, success ultimately comes from God. And while all the academic success principles discussed above are true and practical, they may not necessarily give enduring success without the ‘God’ content. Are I am sure you might know some diligent students who are having academic problems beyond their control despite their diligence. The ‘God’ content is that divine supernatural ability that lifts you above the limitations that this material realm and human manipulations can affect.

This supernatural ability comes with a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If you already have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, I am sure you will have experienced this supernatural ability in one way or another. But if you do not already, today’s a good day to start a relationship with God. You only have success to gain.

Pray this prayer out loud right now: Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for me on Calvary. I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Today I receive you as my lord and personal Saviour. Change my heart and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for receiving me in Jesus name.

If you prayed this prayer with me then know that you have begun a relationship with God. He has come into your life and will begin working in your life and academics. Please send me a message @ buildyourvisions@gmail.com or an SMS to +234 817 2239 319 to tell me that you just started a relationship with God. Remember to include your mobile number and email address. I would like to keep praying for you.

Now I pray for you: Our heavenly Father, Lord, and God, please touch the life and academics of my dear Readers. For the Reader who has been crying within you for help, I ask that Your help will come their way today through Christ Jesus. Amen.

Continue to expect the best from yourself and continue to maintain a great attitude regardless whatever happens.

I’ll be glad to hear from you. Kindly send your testimonies, questions and prayer requests as responses on this blog. If you’d like your friends, class mates and room-mates to be helped by Intervention messages and Study Tips, kindly share this message with them.

Thank you for joining me. I remain your host Tope Banjo and this is Intervention. God bless you mightily!

You will succeed. You will make it!


Email: buildyourvisions@gmail.com 
Tel: +234 817 2239 319, Lagos-Nigeria.



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