13. A Great Attitude Helps!

13. A Great Attitude Helps!

Each of us can become better students, siblings, friends, roommates and citizens. The first step is having a great attitude. Today, my question is, “What exactly is a great attitude?”

Friends, welcome to Intervention, an outreach of VISION BUILDERS designed to help undergraduates contact divine intervention for academic victories. Intervention brings you inspirational messages and Study Tips to enable you be your best academically! Through this message, we believe that God is set to bless you by removing every barrier against your academic success and fulfillment.

A young mother was ready for a few minutes of relaxation after a long and demanding day. However, her young daughter had other plans for her mother's time.

"Read me a story, Mom," the little girl requested. "Give Mommy a few minutes to relax and unwind. Then I'll be happy to read you a story," pleaded the mother.

The little girl was insistent that Mommy read to her now. With a stroke of genius, the mother tore off the back page of the magazine she was reading. It contained a full-page picture of the world. As she tore it into several pieces, Mom asked her daughter to put the picture together and then she would read her a story. Surely this would buy her considerable relaxing moments.

A short time later, the little girl announced the completion of her puzzle project. To her astonishment, she found the world picture completely assembled. When she asked her daughter how she managed to do it so quickly, the little girl explained that on the reverse side of the page was the picture of a little girl. "You see, Mommy, when I got the little girl together, the whole world came together."

Each of us has the responsibility to put our world together. It starts by getting ourselves put together. We can become better students, siblings, friends, roommates and citizens. The first step is having a great attitude. 

An Attitude is ‘A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways’. A great attitude is therefore, ‘A complex mental state involving great beliefs, great feelings, great values and great dispositions to act in certain ways’. Attitude is a factor in relationship that determines how others perceive and react towards you.

A regular attitude achieves regular results, while a great attitude will win you great results. You see, although the mother in our story was tired and had her plans, her daughter’s great or exceptional attitude gave the girl results that the mother was pleased to participate in. When you have a great attitude you will experience a greater willful participation of others in your academic success. The most important relationships in your academic life would be with lecturers, classmates, roommates, yourself and God. Today we will see exactly how you can demonstrate a great attitude in these five important relationships.

First you must Have a great attitude towards your lecturers. They will be better disposed to help you learn and prepare for a better future. While some have undesirable excesses, if you do your work with a great attitude as at when due, you shouldn’t have problems with them.

Second, you must Have a great attitude towards your classmates. Be a friend and team-player. Feel free to share valuable insights and information and stay away from negative influences.

Third, you need to Have a great attitude towards your roommates, if you share a space. No one is perfect, especially you, so be the peacemaker. Be the helper. Be the comforter.

Fourth, Have a great attitude towards life. Regardless of the stresses of the present time your future is great. Your dreams and life visions are attainable. You can have and become all that you desire if you work hard at it with a great attitude and trust God to see you through. Regardless of whatever troubles you have experienced, the top is the place God has planned for you and you will get there in Jesus name.

Listed last but definitely the most important, you should Have a great attitude towards God. Realize that he loves you and has a beautiful plan for your life. In Jeremiah 29:11-14 He said, “For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”

He has good plans for your life. He plans will give you a good future and a hope to look forward to. He says that when you pray, he will listen. Lately your problems may have clouded your mind that you feel God is so far away and he cannot hear your prayers. But he said he is listening.

There is someone...and you have fears that you may not get a job when you graduate. Now God says to you that even before you graduate you will have a job. Can you believe it? Please do, because I know that this is from God and I hope you’ll share your testimony.

And someone else is thinking, but will God hear this prayer. I assure you that he will not only listen, he will answer you. Why not pray that prayer that’s in your heart out loud right now. Yes, pray it, he is listening and the answer will come quickly just to prove to you that he is listening. However for this particular person, God wants more than a prayer from you. He actually wants a personal relationship with you. You will say, “I talk to God a lot and he talks to me”, but you know that you are not His child. Today you can become a child of God if receive the Lord Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. I believe this is the most important prayer we should pray today. Can we pray together right now?

Say this out loud,

Lord Jesus, thank you dying for me on Calvary. I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Today I receive you as my lord and personal Saviour. Change my heart and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for receiving me in Jesus name.

If you prayed this prayer with me then know that you have begun a relationship with God. He has come into your life and will begin working in your life and academics. Please send me a message @ buildyourvisions@gmail.com or an SMS to +234 817 2239 319 to tell me that you just started a relationship with God. Remember to include your mobile number and email address. I would like to keep praying for you.

Continue to expect the best from yourself and continue to maintain a great attitude regardless whatever happens.

I’ll be glad to hear from you. Kindly send your testimonies, questions and prayer requests as responses on this blog. If you’d like your friends, class mates and room-mates to be helped by Intervention messages and Study Tips, kindly share this message with them.

Thank you for joining me. I remain your host Tope Banjo and this is Intervention. God bless you mightily!

You will succeed. You will make it!


Email: buildyourvisions@gmail.com 
Tel: +234 817 2239 319, Lagos-Nigeria.



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