
Showing posts from February, 2012

14. Never Give Up!

14. Never Give Up! Friends, welcome to Intervention, an outreach of VISION BUILDERS designed to help undergraduates contact divine intervention for academic victories. Intervention brings you inspirational messages and Study Tips to enable you be your best academically! Through this message, we believe that God is set to bless you by removing every barrier against your academic success and fulfillment. The topic of my message is  Never Give Up!   Let’s begin by talking about  Perseverance . I want to challenge you to Never Give Up!   Every now and then, everyone in life faces daunting situations. Things get so tough that the natural inclination is to give up, but  Perseverance means  Persistent determination . Many situations in life will call for perseverance especially when you have done all you possibly can yet nothing seems to be changing. For example, you might be grappling with a difficult course. It may even be one of those ‘doom’ courses that have atta